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Janelle Daly posted a condolence
I'm lucky to have had you for a father. You will always be a part of me....
Andrea posted a condolence
Because of you daddy I am who I am today. You have showed me how to love and fear God. Thank you! I will forever love you <3 till we meet again.
Crystal Andrews posted a condolence
You will truly be missed.Thanks so much for all your words of wisdom.
Trevor and June Ifill posted a condolence
It is with sadness that we have learnt of the death of George our neighbour and friend. Our sincere condolences go out to the entire family and may his soul rest in peace.
gillian compton posted a condolence
He was a great man who always loved his family,he loved the lord and will be missed by many.My condolsences goes out to the family.
Jessica Hilton posted a condolence
To the Sam family,
I remember Mr. Sam, fondly, during the time of his daughter Janelle's wedding. Watching him beam with pride as his beautiful daughter put together a lavish wedding epwas truly a memorable occasion.
What put the icing on the cake was, during the wedding ceremony Mr. Sam played a song for his daughter on his guitar. It brought nothing but smiles and tears of joy in the room.
As he will be celebrated for the fruitful life he's lived, let us remember, pray and show love and support for Mr. Sam's wife, his children and grandchildren. I am sure Mr. Sam is playing tunes for his family up in heaven, and smiling on them.
Sherry-Ann Roach posted a condolence
Bro. Sam was one of the few men I truly admired. His love, committment and dedication to his family, a gentle spirit with steely resolve. You will be truly missed Bro. Sam but we know you are in heaven dancing on those streets of gold and playing your guitar as you go along. We will meet again but until such time, my God grant your family the courage and the strength to move on for they were truly blessed to have a husband and a father like you!!! To the Sam family from Bro and Sis Roach and Sherry, our condolences and our love!!!
Jamila posted a condolence
I am so sad yet joyful at the same time. My Uncle George was the best man I've ever known.I love and miss you.
Kimberly Bolden posted a condolence
Bro. Sam was a man of integrity. He allowed Christ to shine through him regardless of where he was. I rejoice today because it is with great hope that I know that he is in communion with his Heavenly Father. My prayers are with his family.
"Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. (1Thessalonians 4:13, 14 NIV)
Lidia posted a condolence
I remember you as a great father, Godly husband, man of integrity & honor. You will be forever missed but never forgotten. Thank you for all your words. My condolences to Sis Sam and family. I pray you grow even closer during this time. May God grant you grace, strength & peace.
Avis Clarke posted a condolence
Uncle Sam, uncle Sam. You are like a father to many us and a true example of God's love. You are greatly loved and will be tremendously missed by the masses. To the Sam family may the Lord continue to give you strength and comfort.
Avis Clarke & Family.
Rhonda Gardner posted a condolence
Thank you for your service to the Kingdom of God and His people; thank you for your generousity and thank you being a good example of a Christian man, husband and father. We will miss you but know you are in a better place. Well done...
Kevin posted a condolence
Bro. Sam was one of the most skillful musicians that I have ever known. He was also a great musical mentor to me, he taught me that a good musician is a musician who learns discipline. He will truly be missed and it was an honor knowing him. Thank you for being my musical inspiration.
Erica Bradley-Mccabe posted a condolence
He raised an honorable and respectful family, daughters that I know made him proud. I am glad to say that I knew such an amazing and talented man. May he rest in peace.

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At Marine Park Funeral Home, we do everything in our power to help you honor the memory of your deceased loved one.
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Brooklyn, NY 11234
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